Bashayer Pipeline Company (BAPCO) is an international business company, incorporated in Dubai as a Free Zone company on the 1st of February 2018 under the law No. 25 of 2009 issued by the Ruler of Dubai. The Shareholders of BAPCO are the Sudanese Petroleum Corporation which holds 90% of the shares and Sudapet Company which holds 10% of the shares. On the 1st of April 2018 BAPCO took over from Petrodar Operating Company the operatorship of the Central Processing Facility at Al Jabalain, the Pipeline from Al Jabalain to Port Sudan and the Marine Terminal at Port Sudan.

Service is requested to drill two water wells in the Khor Arab – Kass Area, which is located at Red Sea State, Sudan. In order to solve PS#6 water supply service (Kass Area is about 65km from PS#6). The Scope of Service includes but not limited to:
Drilling two water wells.
Analyzing Water in term of quantity and quality.
Site works, civil work, installation of GRP water tank, rising pipe, power system, drain system and Fence.
Inspection and testing of materials (existing system to be re- used- fit for purpose).
Protection construction (wells, handling process area, power supply system and way protection), preventive system from any environment factors.
Power supply (generator, with control system and full accessories) (option one), and solar system including cells, inventor, cables, cell stand, etc… (option two).
Commissioning after the completion of installation& testing procedures.
Mitigation techniques and way forward (flood, environment factors, ect…).
ITB Documents including detailed scope of work
Bidder can collect the ITB document from Tender Committee Secretary, 1st Floor, BAPCO Procurement Department, Petrodar Tower Building, Almugran District, Khartoum during the working days between 8:00 AM to 1:30 PM (Sudan Local Time), not later than 17st March, 2022.
Tender fees are SDG 6,000.00 (Only Six Thousand Sudanese Pounds).
Bidder shall deliver its proposal to the same address as the aforementioned.
The bid closing date will be mentioned in the ITB document.
BAPCO contact for this bid:
Tel: 00249187008161
Tel: 00249187008163
Tel: 00249187008197
In accordance with the bidder instruction stated in the Invitation to Bid (ITB) document, all bidders are requested to fulfill the following requirements:
Bid Bond of the amount of SDG 200,000.00 (Two Hundred thousand Sudanese Pounds, it shall be valid till the date of 1st September, 2022.
Bidder shall provide copy of Certification of Incorporation / Registration.
Bidder shall provide copy of valid Taxation Clearance and Zakat Clearance Certificate.
Bidder must strictly comply with the entire ITB requirements and conditions.
All of bidders are requested to submit a certificate “C-7” from the General Commercial Registrar.
All bidders requested to register at Bashayer website at to be part of BAPCO’s vendor data base before submitting the proposals.
Tender Document shall be submitted not later than 13:00 (Sudan Local Time) 24th March 2022 (Bid Closing Date).
Late bids will be rejected.
For clarifications or any information please contact:
Tel: 00249187008161
Tel: 00249187008163
Tel: 00249187008197