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Proposal Writting
CARE International in Sudan

CARE International is an organization driven by its mission to overcome poverty and social injustice. CARE International  in Sudan is part of CARE International, whose vision is to seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security.  We are known everywhere for our unshakable commitment to the dignity of people. CARE and partners contribute to the empowerment of the most marginalized and vulnerable rural women and girls to exercise their rights.


Photo: Youth training session in Kass, South Darfur @CARE


 Bid No: 4
 Proposal Writting:
 Proposal Writting:
 City: Khartoum
 Deadline: 28 Feb 2022

PURPOSE: Seeking consultants to serve as proposal writers for potential new projects/programs (both humanitarian emergency and/or development programming) for CARE in Sudan – Development of an Approved Vendor List


Overview. CARE International is an independent, non-political, non-denominational humanitarian network that fights extreme poverty and advocates for access to basic human rights, especially for women and girls. In 2020, 1,500 emergency and development projects were implemented in over 100 countries, reaching over 100 million direct beneficiaries. The CARE network addresses the root causes of poverty through programs in health, including sexual and reproductive health, food security, livelihoods, access to clean water, education, and climate change adaptation with a cross-cutting focus on gender. In line with this overall CARE vision, CARE International in Sudan (CIS) has an upcoming, new program development strategy with its overall goal to strengthen CARE's place as one of the leading organizations in Sudan in effective programming, especially to reduce gender-based violence (GBV), strengthen gender justice, access to basic services, and empower women and youth to perform active role as members of society. Overall, CARE International has been working in Sudan since 1979, and currently implements major programs in Six states in Sudan.

The programs align with national and county level priorities focusing on refugee assistance, health and nutrition, water, sanitation and Hygiene promotion, financial inclusion, adaptation to climate change, disaster risk reduction and resilience building, agricultural value chains and humanitarian and emergency response. Overall, with the main coordination and representation office in Khartoum supported by multiple field offices spread across various States, CARE currently employs over 200 staff in Sudan, manages an average annual (and growing) portfolio of around $15+ million, and works with local communities to build long-term solutions improving resilience to shocks such as (continued) conflict and natural disaster, as well as to defend dignity and fight against poverty.


Objective. To create an approved vendor list of consultants who can support CARE in Sudan with the development of proposals, both writing and coordination. Those retained for this list, when identified for a given proposal development opportunity will have the following scope of work:


The Consultant will take the lead in developing the proposal, coordinating with CARE staff (in Sudan and at other internal levels) to develop a compelling and evidence-based proposal for all activities in the target thematic focuses and locations. The Consultant will bring to the program design process a thorough understanding and prior experience in proposal writing and development, especially as it relates to the sector(s) and donor in question. The Consultant, in consultation and agreement with CARE Sudan country office management team, will undertake at least the following tasks for a given assignment/proposal:




Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Literature review:
    • Review secondary literature on relevant sectors in Sudan (particularly in the target region) as well as existing innovative pilot projects and evidence of their existence from other stakeholders.
    • Review existing project documents: reports, evaluations, best practices report (in progress); and
    • Review literature and CARE's core program on all relevant sectors as well as innovative models from other countries/donors to apply to the design of this proposal.
    • Review the tender and the donor's regulations and priorities as well as potential success factors
  • Meet and discuss (remotely or in person, as appropriate) with key stakeholders in Sudan, as needed, to ensure that the program design incorporates the expertise of all relevant actors/sectors, including the private sector, social enterprises, universities, institutes, ministries as relevant
  • Drafting of the full technical proposal (length and annexes to be determined according to the scope of the call and/or donor regulations).
  • Work with the CARE Funding & Reporting Coordinator, Grants & Finance Team/Manager, and Program Director (and others as deemed appropriate) to facilitate the development of the program budget.
  • Review the budget (and supplementary cost documents, such as the budget description) for consistency with the technical proposal and annexes.
  • Work with appropriate CARE technical staff at headquarters and regional office to edit and finalize the proposal.
  • Perform final editing and formatting, including:
    • Compliance with donor requirements (e.g., font size, page length, spacing, etc.)
    • Formatting and writing style in accordance with the CARE One-Page Proposal Writing Standards Guide or donor guidelines, if applicable.
    • Consistency between the sections in relation to the Logical Framework/Results, the budget, and the budget narrative (and other technical annexes);
    • Headers, footers, and page numbers, as appropriate.
    • Correct/update references in appendices (if applicable);
    • Finalize the table of contents and references by noting the correct pages; and
  • Any other task that CARE & the Consultant agree upon.


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