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Request for Quotations for Radio Production and Broadcast Services in Sudan
International Organization
 City: Khartoum
 Deadline: 14 Feb 2022

An organization seeks services of a Media Production Company to produce and broadcast a 20 minutes weekly radio magazine show (name to be decided) featuring short radio dramas/skits, songs, interviews and discussions, etc. starting from March 1st 2022, initially for a period of 3 months.

The vendor will also be responsible to select, in coordination with the organization, at least two main Sudanese Radio Channels with maximum, nation-wide coverage and purchase from them airtime, at peak broadcast hours for airing of all the radio content according to the frequency specified under the Broadcast section of this document.

Prospective bidders are invited to submit a technical and financial proposal that details the methodology, technical and human resources, and other capabilities necessary to implement the following requirements.

It may be noted here that all the contents of the programming specified below are subject to client’s approval prior to broadcast. The following services are required under the RFA:

A. Twelve (12) original songs (1 song per program), not exceeding 3 minutes each, in Arabic language.

B. Twelve (12) weekly radio dramas, lasting 3-4 minutes each, in Arabic Language.

C. One (1) recorded on-air announcement to promote the weekly program in Arabic Language.

D. One (1) Original theme music for the weekly radio program.

E. Twelve (12) live weekly radio programs (in Arabic Language).


Schedule of Events and Application

- Issuance of RFQ: February 2, 2022

- Technical Questions/Inquiries Due: February 6, 2022

- RFQ Closes: February 14, 2022 at 5:00 PM Sudan local time


In order to receive further technical details and budget template, interested entities are requested to send an email to before February 6, 2022 5:00 PM Khartoum local time. 

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