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for provision of Female Goats (Shamian and cross breeds) and Poultry (Fayoumi breed laying hens)
CARE International in Sudan

CARE International is an organization driven by its mission to overcome poverty and social injustice. CARE International  in Sudan is part of CARE International, whose vision is to seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security.  We are known everywhere for our unshakable commitment to the dignity of people. CARE and partners contribute to the empowerment of the most marginalized and vulnerable rural women and girls to exercise their rights.


Photo: Youth training session in Kass, South Darfur @CARE


 Bid No: REF(PR11764 & PR11362)
 City: Kassala state
 Deadline: 30 Nov 2021

CARE International in Sudan (CISDN) is a development and humanitarian organization with a goal of reducing poverty at the household level and providing relief services in emergencies. We currently carry out major initiatives in Refugee and Emergency Operations, Health, Livelihoods, Water and Sanitation. CARE also carries out activities in civil society organizational strengthening and environmental services.


For the bid process and more details check the below attached document.

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