Bid Closed
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Engineering Assessment, Design, and Construction Oversight Services
Chemonics International
 Bid No: Request for Information (RFI) No. TNS 01
 City: Khartoum
 Deadline: 23 August 2021

This is a Request for Information. This is not a Request for Proposals or Request for Applications and is not to be construed as a commitment by Chemonics or USAID to issue a solicitation or award a subcontract or grant on the basis of this Request for Information (RFI), or to pay for any information voluntarily submitted in response to this request.


Dear Sir or Madam,

Chemonics International Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Chemonics”), is a legal entity incorporated under the laws of the United States of America and acting in Sudan to implement the Transition to New Sudan (TNS) program, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

TNS is a three year program that aims to support the consolidation of Sudan’s democratic transition by:

  1. Enabling the government to demonstrate progress on key transition processes;
  2. Strengthening civic engagement; and
  3. Expanding independent media.

TNS provides small, short term, high impact grants to initiatives that feed into the above three main objectives. The program started in September 2020 and continues to creatively explore areas of support that will help achieve TNS’ program goal. Over the life of the program, TNS plans to support a number of small to medium-scale construction projects, such as rehabilitation, repair, and restoration of existing facilities, installation of modular structures, and construction of structures. TNS requires a subcontractor for engineering services, including assessment, design, procurement support and construction oversight.

Chemonics is issuing an RFI to offer the opportunity for interested organizations to provide information, opinions, and recommendations on approaches for the implementation of an Indefinite Quantity Subcontract (IQS) for the provision of engineering and design and construction and design (implementation) oversight services under TNS.

Responses should not exceed five (5) pages and should include the following:

  1. Please elaborate on the resources and capabilities to address the objectives and illustrative results in the below scope of work– 2 pages in length;
  2. Suggest approaches to pricing methodology in accordance with the accepted industry standards and practices in Sudan; and should note whether a “fixed daily rate” (FDR) could be used as described in Section 4– 2 pages in length; and
  3. Describe any experience working with USAID and/or any other donor organization/s – 1 page in length.

Additional information limited to the potential offerors’ corporate or organizational capability statement to carry out their approach may be included as an annex. Please do not submit applications, proposals, resumes, or promotional materials, as they will be discarded. The submission shall be written in English and submitted electronically via email to by 5:00pm Khartoum local time on August 23, 2021.



For more details check the below-attached document.


   -  RFI No. TNS 01_final.pdf

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