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Supply construct materials & labor cost for Rehabilitation and upgrade of hand dug to mini water yard in Dango villaتوريد مواد بناء لترفيع بئر مفتوح الي محطة تعمل بالطلمبة غاطسة والطاقة الشمسية في قرية دانقو - محلية ام دخن بولاية وسط دارفور – زالنجي
Catholic Relief Services

We work with organizations around the world to help poor and vulnerable people overcome emergencies, earn a living through agriculture and access affordable health care.



 Bid No: CRS-SD-ZAL-SD3531-2024
 City: Khartoum
 Deadline: 10 Jan 2025

Name of Tender:

 Supply construct materials & labor cost for Rehabilitation and upgrade of hand dug to mini water yard in Dango village Um Dukhun locality, the work upgrading includes of rehabilitation, installation submersible pump, panels, elevated storage tank and distribution.   Central Darfur state, Zalingei 


Tender Number CRS-SD-ZAL-SD3531-2024

 Opening submission date: 22nd of December 2024

Deadline Submission date:

10th January ... /2025 – 04 :00 PM

Please submit your bid to CRS Zalingei or through E/mail

through email:

اسم العطاء:

    توريد مواد بناء  لترفيع بئر مفتوح الي محطة تعمل بالطلمبة غاطسة والطاقة الشمسية  في قرية دانقو  - محلية ام دخن بولاية وسط دارفور – زالنجي   


رقم العطاء CRS-SD-ZAL-SD3531-2024

 تاريخ فتح التقديم:  22  ديسمبر  2024

تاريخ انتهاء التقديم


  10 يناير 2025 04:00   العصر


الرجاء ارسال عرضكم الي مكتب الاغاثة الكاثلوكية زالنجي او من خلال البريد الالكتروني



Dear Sir / Madam,

CRS Sudan is looking for companies to provide the items/services shown in Attachment 1 at a competitive price and with high quality.


General Requirements

1.  Must Be Registered to conduct the business and in compliance with federal governments tax regulations in Sudan  

2.     Experience International Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, or large private companies will be an advantage. 

4.   CRS retains the right to reject, cancel, negotiate, amend, split and accept any offer, without consideration of the lowest offer.

5.     This is an invitation to vendors and is not a promise or obligation that CRS will contract with suppliers through the submitted offers.

6.   Relevant bid committee may request for physical samples of some items during evaluation process of bids.

7. The work plan must be provided by the contractor with the tender package.

9.The banking information should be specific and clear.



 سيدي / سيدتي العزيز(ة)

هيئة الإغاثة الكاثوليكية  برامج السودان تبحث عن شركات من المهتمين بتوفير المواد/ الخدمات  المشار إليها أدناه في الملحق رقم 1 بأسعار منافسة وبجودة عالية.

متطلبات عامة:

1 . يجب أن يكون مسجلا لإجراء الأعمال التجارية مع ما يتوافق  ولوائح الضرائب الحكومية في السودان .

3 . الخبرة في تزويد المنظمات الدولية، المنظمات الغير حكومية، أو  الشركات الكبيرة الخاصة ستكون ميزة.

4 . تحتفظ هيئة الاغاثة الكاثوليكية بالحق في رفض، إلغاء، التفاوض، تعديل، تجزئة وقبول أي عرض، دون النظر الى أدنى عرض. .

5. هذه دعوة للموردين وليس وعد أو التزام من هيئة الإغاثة الكاثوليكية للتعاقد مع الموردين من خلال العروض المقدمة

6. قد تقوم لجنة الإحالة المعنية بطلب نماذج عينية لبعض المواد اثناء عملية تقييم العروض.

7.  يجب على المقاول تحضير الجدول الزمني لتنفيذ الاعمال على ان يتم تسليم المستند مع اوراق العطاء

9. يجب ان تكون معلومات وتفاصيل رقم الحساب واضحة.



Payment Terms

  1. Quotation should remain valid for a period of at least ninety (60) days from the submission closing date.
  2. Payment shall be made via bank cheque or wire transfer within 15 working days from the date of receiving the correct invoice.
  3. Payment shall be made upon verification and acceptance of services according to contract    Purchase order.


يجب أن تظل العرض ساريًا لمدة تصل إلى تسعين (60) يومًا من تاريخ إغلاق التقديم.1

2. يتم إجراء الدفع عبر شيك بنكي أو تحويل بنكي خلال خمسة عشر (15) يوم عمل من تاريخ استلام الفاتورة الصحيحة.

3. يتم إجراء الدفع بعد التحقق وقبول الخدمات وفقًا لشروط العقد أو أمر الشراء


Acceptance of Payment Terms

Do you accept the above payment terms?

  • Yes
  • No


الموافقة على شروط الدفع:

هل توافق على شروط الدفع اعلاه:

  • اوافق
  • لا اوافق

Requested Information

The submission must include:

  • Full legal address and contact details of the company.
  • Name of company’s official owner and copy of his/her ID & passport (if available)
  • Copy of company registration certificate
  • Copy of Tax Registration Certificate.
  • Reference from previous similar business experience with reference contact information.
  • Bank account information if available.
  • The vendor must read, sign & stamp the Attachment (2) related to CRS SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT

يجب تقديم ما يلي:    

 يجب ان يتضمن التقديم ما يلي :                 

  • العنوان الكامل الصحيح وعنوان الاتصال للشركة
  • اسم صاحب الشركة الرسمي مع  نسخة من البطاقة القومية او جواز السفر.
  • صورة عن شهادة تسجيل الشركة
  • صورة عن شهادة التسجيل الضريبي
  • المرجع من الخبرة في الاعمال السابقة المماثلة و معلومات الاتصال للمرجع
  • تفاصيل معلومات الحساب المصرفي اذا امكن.
  • يجب على المقاول قراءة و توقيع و ختم الملحق(2) و الخاص بالقواعد السلوكية التي تنتهجها هيئة الإغاثة الكاثوليكية.



Bid Requirements

Offers that do not meet the following will be automatically rejected regardless of price:

  1. Offers must be received before the stated deadline.
  2. Offers must include all information requested above.
  3.  Unit prices must be provided for all line items. Offers that only include totals will be rejected.
  4. Bids that include mistakes in calculations within the Bill of Quantities will be excluded from competition.
  5. Bids must be submitted through CRS Zalingei office for receiving bids.
  6. Offers must be clean & clear. The vendor should sign and stamp next to handwritten corrections or corrections made with whiteout. 
  7. Offers must be complete from all sides, signed, dated, and stamped on all pages.






معلومات ملء  العطاء

سوف يتم رفض أي عطاء لا يلتزم بالشروط أدناه بغض النظر عن السعر:

  1. سيتم رفض أي طلب يقدم بعد التاريخ والوقت المحدد لقبول العطاءات.
  2. يجب أن تتضمن العروض جميع المعلومات المطلوبة أعلاه.
  3. جميع الاسعار يجب ان تكتب لكل بند أو فقرة على حدة، ويتم رفض العطاءات التي تحتوي على الإجمالي فقط. 
  4. سيتم استبعاد العطاء الذي يتضمن خطأ في حسابات جداول الكميات
  5.  يجب تقديم العروض في مكتب المنظمة في زالنجي .
  6. العروض يجب أن تكون نظيفة وواضحة، يجب التوقيع والختم في مكان أي تصحيح يدوي أو باستخدام قلم التصحيح الابيض.


  1. يجب أن تكون العروض كاملة من جميع الجوانب، موقعة بتاريخ واضح ومختومة على جميع الصفحات.


Delivery Instructions:

Complete and stamped and signed offer can be submitted directly to CRS Zalingei office.

  1. The company biography should not exceed 10 pages.


Complete and stamped and signed offer must be delivered in sealed envelope with tender number on it (CRS-SD-ZAL-SD3531-2024

Delivery to CRS Sudan office located in Zalingei

تعليمات التسليم:

يجب تقديم العطاء الكامل والمختوم و الموقع  في مكتب زالنجي/ او روكيرو     


يجب ان لا تتجاوز السيرة الذاتية للشركة اكثر من 10 صفحات.


  1. يجب تقديم العطاء الكامل والمختوم و الموقع  مع كافة الوثائق المطلوبة في  ظرف مغلق يكتب عليه رقم العطا (CRS-SD-ZAL-SD3531-2024) ويسلم الى مقر

المنظمة في  زالنجي  








Experience Reference List

قائمة مراجع الاعمال السابقة



Name of Organization



Name of Person

أسم الشخص

Name of Project أسم المشروع

Project Start Date تاريخ المباشرة بالمشروع

Project duration مدة تنفيذ المشروع

Phone Number رقم الموبايل

Email Address البريد الالكتروني
















































































Company name:

أسم الشركة :



Legal address:

العنوان الثابت:



Telephone Number:

رقم الهاتف:




عنوان البريد الإلكتروني:



Representative Name

اسم الممثل:



Business Certificate Registration Number:

رقم تسجيل شهادة العمل:


Tax registration Number:

رقم التسجيل الضريبي:


Contract duration:

مدة العقد :


Bank details:


  • Bank Name: …………………………………………………..


  • Bank account name: …………………………………………



  • Bank number ………………………………………………...


  • Branch: ………………………………………………………...




تفاصيل الحساب:


   إسم الينك : -------------------------------------------------------


  • اسم الحساب :-----------------------------------------------------



  • رقم الحساب :  ----------------------------------------------------



الفرع ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Do you have partnerships with any other companies (such as shared management / staff / office / bank account)?  Do you cooperate with any other companies in preparing offers or providing of goods or services?

هل لديك شراكات مع أي من الشركات الأخرى ( مثل إدارة / الموظفين / المكتب حساب مشترك / البنك) ؟ هل تتعاون مع أي من الشركات الأخرى في إعداد العروض أو توفير السلع أو الخدمات؟


If the answer for previous question is yes, please provide details here including the names of partner companies.

إذا كان الجواب عن السؤال السابق نعم ، يرجى تقديم التفاصيل هنا بما في ذلك أسماء الشركات الشريكة


Other comments:

ملاحظات اخرى:


Experience / references for the related work of experience (Please attached any related contract, purchase order, certificate, etc.) that does not exceed 10 pages. References MUST include contact information. 

يجب ان يحتوي على عناوين الاتصال من مراجع الخبرة

المرجع من الخبرة ( الرجاء ارفاق دليل من الاعمال السابقة ذات الصلة من عقود , اوراق شراء , ورقة اتمام عمل , اخرى )  لا تتجاوز عشرة اوراق.



























Attachment (1)

Specifications: -


Scope of Work for Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Hand-Dug Well to Water Yard in Dango village- Um Dokhon locality- central Darfur State

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) – United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, an international relief and development agency, committed to the alleviation of human suffering, development of people and fostering of charity and justice in the world irrespective of race, creed, or nationality.

CRS seeks qualified entity specialized and experienced in water industry and construction of water systems (including water wells, water pumping components, solar energy set, elevated water storage and distribution pipework etc.) to work in Dango village in Um Dokhon  locality - Central Darfur State; the activities include rehabilitation of hand dug well, installation of submersible pump, solar energy unit, installation of elevated water tank and  water pipework, and fencing of each component of the system, during the period from 01st Jan 2025 to  15th Feb 2025.

Primary Functions:

Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of CRS WASH senior project officer (SPO), the contractor should rehabilitate, and upgrade one hand dug well to water supply, storage, and distribution system in line with technical guidelines of Water Environmental Sanitation Project (WES)-Sudan and CRS field staff.

The contractor responsibilities:

The specific tasks of the contractor under this scope of work should be implemented under direct supervision and instruction of CRS field staff, and each completed stage of the work should be accepted and approved by CRS field staff, and the contractor should implement and complete any required repair or amendment before starting the next stage. The work includes, but not limited to the following:

  1. Rehabilitation of hand dug well: (At: coordinate: Long E 23,01791 Lat N 11.522211 altitude: 611 m)
    1. Build and raise the top of the lining above ground surface by additional 1 meter, should be built of red bricks and/or stones and cement-sand mortar; 0.35 m wall-thickness. (the diameter of the well is 2 meters)
    2. Construct a tight well cover of reinforced concrete slab with a manhole (60cm*60cm) to enable future cleaning and maintenance of the well. The reinforced cover of the manhole should be tight and leakage proof.
    3. Install heavy duty steel beams at the top of the well to support the concrete cover, pumphouse casing, and hold the pump.
    4. Install pump house, UPVC pipe and screen, from the top to the bottom of the well with diameter within range from 5 to 8 inches to properly fit the bowl size of the selected pump and allow suitable clearance for safe installation and retrieval of the pump. The top 5 meters of the casing and 1 meter at the bottom of the casing should be of blind (plain) casing in addition of one UPVC pipe 3m to install deeply under bottomless of well and the portion in between should be of original UPVC screen of slot size range 0.04-0.06 inches.
    5. Clean the lining wall by using suitable long-handled wire brush to remove the algae and other dirt layers, then wash with high pressure water jet.
    6. Clean the bottom of the well and remove the sludge and all materials deposited inside the well at the bottom until all the original total depth is cleaned i.e. to remove at least 1 meters-thick layer of deposits from the bottom, to increase the current free depth from 7 m to 8 m.
    7. Dewater the well until the turbid water completely discharged out and the turbidity level around 5 NTU or less.
    8. Disinfect the well with high (concentration) chlorine dose applying shock chlorination processes according to the standard steps for chlorination.
    9. Dewater the well and measure the residual chlorine.
  2. Supply and Installation of Submersible pump and pipework:
    1. Import and install Electrical Submersible pump at setting depth 5 meter below ground surface inside the pump house (UPVC screen); the pump should meet the following requirements:
  • The pump should have enough head 25m and ability to pump, 4000 liters of water per-hour through 2 inches high density polythene pipe, from the pump setting depth (5 meter below ground surface) to the elevated tank at 210 meters away from the well; and 25 meters higher than the water well elevation.
  • The pump should be equipped with system to automatically break the electric current and stop the pump if the water level draws down below and exposed the pump.
  • The rising main from the pump to the ground surface should be of galvanized or stainless-steel pipe.
  • The outlet of the rising main should be equipped with nonreturn and gate valves.
    1. Provide and install high density polythene pipe of 2 inches diameter 200m length to connect the discharge point, at the well level, with the galvanized (GL) pipe connecting the inlet of the elevated water tank.
    2. Excavate trench of 80 cm depth and 200 meters long extended from the water well to the elevated water tank for installing of the water delivery pipe; the rough portion of the trench should be backfilled with 15 cm-thick soft soil layer under the pipe and 25 cm-thick layer above the pipe then complete back filling of the remaining portion with the cutting excavated from the trench or alternative suitable soil materials.  
  1. Supply and Installation of Solar energy unit and fencing: (within the same fencing of the elevated water tank and distribution point together)
    1. Provide and install complete solar energy unit with all accessories to properly operate the pump.
  • The solar unit should be installed at the specified area within the same fencing of the elevated water tank and distribution point with cart filling, but the solar panel split than other by partition with gate door 1m*2m (width, high) to allow guard pass for operate system.
  • Solar panels should be installed on heavy duty steel or galvanized skeleton and elevated at top of elevated tank or at least 3 meters above the ground surface to mitigate the risk of easy stealing of the panels.
    1. Provide materials and construct tight fencing (15m*15m) around the panels, the elevated water tank, taps stand with cart filling, using heavy duty steel or galvanized poles (Angles or pipes) 3 meters high with spacing 2 meters or less, and barbed wire; the fence equipped with door (2m*2m) and locks.
    2. Provide materials and construct fencing 5m*5m around water well with door (2m high*1m width) supported by lock. This fence will separate than other.
  1. Supply and Installation of steal water tank and tower: (at Long: E 23.0195 Lat: N 11.5220   Altitude 624 m)
    1. Provide and install cylindrical steal water tank made of mild steel plates, of capacity 15000 liters, placed on steal tower 4-meters height, with the main requirement including, but not limited to, the following:
  • The bottom plate should be 6 mm thick, the side plate 5 mm and the top cover 4 mm thick.
  • Paints: The tank shall be painted with antirust prime coat. Two other coats shall be applied as follows. a) Internal coating shall be of bituminous non-toxic paint. B) External shall be painted with silver paint of approved oil paint.
  • The inlet connected to the supply pipeline with galvanized pipe 2 inches diameter.
  • The outlet connected to the distribution pipeline with galvanized pipe 2 inches diameter.
  • The water tank should be equipped with water level indicator.
  • Water level indicator shall be coated with white background and red graduations.
  • Water tank should be disinfected before starting the supply of water to the consumers.
    1. Fabricate and erect steal tower of 4 meters height according to standard specification and guideline of Public Water Corporation (PWC).
  • Casting of reinforced concrete foundation for the supporting tower.
  • Foot plate and top plate thicknesses shall not be less than 16mm.
  • Holding down bolts, nuts and washers shall be supplied complete with adequate sizes but not less than 16mm and 4 anchor bolts are decided to be used per footing.
  • The supporting tower should be fixed on the foundation using the anchor bolts after the concrete attains its full strength after 10 days of concrete placement.
  • Tower shall be painted with antirust prime coat, and bituminous black paint.
  1. Supply and Install distribution pipeline:
    1. Supply and install high density polythene pipeline of 2” diameters and connect with the GL pipe descending from the elevated tank, taps stand, and cart filling tap.
  2. Construction of tap stand: (within the same fencing of the elevated water tank and solar panel)
    1. Construct tap stand of 12 taps connected to GL pipe equipped with gate valve, installed on platform built of red bricks, and cement-sand mortar.
    2. The platform construction: The foundation of the platform should be of minimum 1.5 m width, 3 m long, and (0.3 m to 0.5 m) depth.  The height of the platform 0.6 m, with 1.25 m height of the tap stand.
    3. Provide and cover the top and sides of the platform with white tiles.
    4. Construct floor of concrete slab 10 cm thick around the taps stand.
    5. Construct animal trough sized 0.6*0.6* 15 meters long outside the fencing area and drainage ditch from the tap stand to animal trough.



Bill of quantities and quotation:



Item Description



Unit price / USD

Total price /



Rehabilitation of hand dug well


Build and raise the top of the lining above ground surface by additional 1 meter should be built of red bricks and/or stones and cement-sand mortar. (the diameter of the well is 2meters)







Construct a tight well-cover of reinforced concrete slab with a manhole to enable future cleaning and maintenance of the well. The reinforced cover of the manhole should be tight and leakage proof






Installing 2 steel beams at the top of the well to support the concrete cover, pumphouse casing, and hold the pump.







Install pump house, UPVC pipe and screen, from the top to the bottom of the well with diameter within range from 5 to 8 inches to properly fit the bowl size of the selected pump and allow suitable clearance for safe installation and retrieval of the pump. The top 5 meters of the casing and 1 meter at the bottom of the casing should be of blind (plain) casing and the portion in between should be of original UPVC screen of slot size range 0.04-0.06 inch






Clean the lining wall by using suitable long-handled wire brush to remove the algae and other dirt layers, then wash with high pressure water jet






Clean the bottom of the well, remove the sludge and all materials deposited inside the well at the bottom until all the original total depth is cleaned i.e. to remove at least 1-meter-thick layer of deposits from the bottom, to increase the current free depth from 7 m to 8 m.






Dewater the well until the turbid water completely discharged out and the turbidity level around 5 NTU or less






Disinfect the well with high (concentration) chlorine dose applying shock chlorination processes according to the standard steps for chlorination.






Dewater the well and measure the residual chlorine






Sub-total (1)



Supply and Installation of Submersible pump and pipework


Supply and install of SQF 7-4, Grundfos submersible pumping device with sensor or any equivalent pump of an approved brand with the following technical characteristics: average flow rate of at least 4m3 with a Head of 25 m.






Supply and install Grundfos I050 metric, traded voltage 1 x VDC 30-300V, maximum ambient temperature: 50 °C






Supply and install Grundfos command unit CU 200, power consumption: 5 W, rated voltage DC: 30-300 V, back-up fuse: 10 A, maximum load: 100 mA.






Supply and lay all electrical cables 220m (4x6mm2 flat drop cable) plus accessories from borehole head works to control panel –preferably Grundfos model.






Provide and install high density polythene pipe of 2 inches diameter, and 210 meters-long to connect the discharge point, at the well level, with the ascending galvanized (GL) pipe connecting the inlet of the elevated water tank with the supply line.






Excavate trench of 1 meter depth and 210 meters-long extended from the water well to the elevated water tank and installing the water pipe; the rough portion of trench should be backfilled with 15 cm-thick, soft soil layer under the pipe and 25 cm-thick layer above the pipe then complete back filling of the remaining portion with the cutting excavated from the trench or alternative suitable soil materials.  






Sub-total (2)



Supply and Installation of Solar energy unit and fencing


Construct, steel frame stanchion (5m x 4m area 1m high at 15 degrees on the top of elevated tank or 3m above ground surface) to power submersible pump






"Construct, Supply and install 300w polycrystalline solar panels to supporting steel  frame stanchion (4m x 3m area 1m high at 15 degree) to power  submersible pump (sunshine)include electric cable and combiner box-see design, Voltage at Maximum Power (Vmax) :35V,Current at Maximum Power (Cmax):8,61 A, open circuit voltage (Voc) : 46 V, short circuit current (lsc) :9,6 A, module efficiency :17,5 %, power tolerance (+) : + 1,5 %.

 The minimum power requirement is 2Kw, i.e 75% of output in the most critical month. A one-year warranty is required, with power losses limited to 3% in the first year and 0.5% from the second year onwards."






Earth connection, TH cable 6mm2 green, yellow






Provide materials and construct tight fencing around the panels, the elevated water tank, taps stand with carts filling, using heavy duty steel or galvanized poles (Angles or pipes) 3 meters high with spacing 2 meters or less, and barbed wire; the fence equipped with door and locks (the fencing area depend on the size of the solar unit).






Sub-total (3)






Supply and Installation of steal water tank and tower


Supply and install steel water tank 15000 liters made of steel sheets of thicknesses 6mm for the bottom 5mm for side wall and 4mm for the top cover.






Supply, Fabricate and install steel tower, 4 meters Hight, with bearing capacity of 20 tons, to curry 15 cubic meter steel tank






Sub-total (4)



Supply and Installing distribution pipeline 2” diameter



Supply and install the discharge 200m polythene pipe 2" to connect the rising main of the pump with the water tank






Install galvanized pipe 2" to connect the inlet of the tank with the discharge pipe.






Install galvanized pipe 2" to connect the outlet of the tank with the distribution pipe.






Subtotal (5)



Construction of tap stand



Provide complete set of plumping materials and fittings for construction of tap stand of 12 taps connected to  GL pipe equipped with gate valve.






Construction of the platform: the foundation of the platform should be of minimum 1.5 m width, 3 m long, and (0.3 m to 0.5 m) depth.  The height of the platform 0.6 m, with 1.25 m height of the tap stand. Regard specifications of reinforced concrete dosed at 350 kg of cement per m3 of concrete for low curbstone and cleaning slab including waste water collection gutters and column of the ST(elbow, union, T-check, taps, and other accessories).






Provide and cover the top and sides of the platform with white tiles.







Construct floor of concrete slab 10 cm thick around the taps stand.







Construct animal trough sized 0.6*0.6* 3 meters long outside the fencing area and 15 drainage ditches from the tap stand to animal trough






Any other addition(s) proposed by vendors






Sub-total (6)



Grand Total*


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