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We work with organizations around the world to help poor and vulnerable people overcome emergencies, earn a living through agriculture and access affordable health care.
Name of Tender: Supply Cocks and Hens for CRS in Galol & Kutrum HFs – Central Darfur state, Zalingei
Tender Number CRS-RFQ-CD-SD400007-2024 Opening submission date: 17th of October 2024 Deadline Submission date: 24nd October... /2024 – 04 :00 PM Please submit your bid to CRS Rokero / Zalingei
اسم العطاء: توريد دواجن لمنظمة الاغاثة الكاثوليكية في مركز صحي ( قالو - وكوتروم) - ولاية وسط دارفور – زالنجي
رقم العطاء: CRS-RFQ-CD-SD400007-2024 تاريخ فتح التقديم: 17 أكتوبر 2024 تاريخ انتهاء التقديم
24 أكتوبر 2024 04:00 العصر
الرجاء ارسال عرضكم الي مكتب الاغاثة الكاثلوكية روكيرو / زالنجي |
Dear Sir / Madam, CRS Sudan is looking for companies to provide the items/services shown in Attachment 1 at a competitive price and with high quality.
General Requirements 1. Must Be Registered to conduct the business and in compliance with federal governments tax regulations in Sudan 2. Experience International Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, or large private companies will be an advantage. 4. CRS retains the right to reject, cancel, negotiate, amend, split and accept any offer, without consideration of the lowest offer. 5. This is an invitation to vendors and is not a promise or obligation that CRS will contract with suppliers through the submitted offers. 6. Relevant bid committee may request for physical samples of some items during evaluation process of bids. 7. The work plan must be provided by the contractor with the tender package. 9.The banking information should be specific and clear.
سيدي / سيدتي العزيز(ة) هيئة الإغاثة الكاثوليكية برامج السودان تبحث عن شركات من المهتمين بتوفير المواد/ الخدمات المشار إليها أدناه في الملحق رقم 1 بأسعار منافسة وبجودة عالية. متطلبات عامة: 1 . يجب أن يكون مسجلا لإجراء الأعمال التجارية مع ما يتوافق ولوائح الضرائب الحكومية في السودان . 3 . الخبرة في تزويد المنظمات الدولية، المنظمات الغير حكومية، أو الشركات الكبيرة الخاصة ستكون ميزة. 4 . تحتفظ هيئة الاغاثة الكاثوليكية بالحق في رفض، إلغاء، التفاوض، تعديل، تجزئة وقبول أي عرض، دون النظر الى أدنى عرض. . 5. هذه دعوة للموردين وليس وعد أو التزام من هيئة الإغاثة الكاثوليكية للتعاقد مع الموردين من خلال العروض المقدمة 6. قد تقوم لجنة الإحالة المعنية بطلب نماذج عينية لبعض المواد اثناء عملية تقييم العروض. 7. يجب على المقاول تحضير الجدول الزمني لتنفيذ الاعمال على ان يتم تسليم المستند مع اوراق العطاء 9. يجب ان تكون معلومات وتفاصيل رقم الحساب واضحة.
Payment Terms
يجب أن تظل العرض ساريًا لمدة تصل إلى تسعين (60) يومًا من تاريخ إغلاق التقديم.1 2. يتم إجراء الدفع عبر شيك بنكي أو تحويل بنكي خلال خمسة عشر (15) يوم عمل من تاريخ استلام الفاتورة الصحيحة. 3. يتم إجراء الدفع بعد التحقق وقبول الخدمات وفقًا لشروط العقد أو أمر الشراء |
Acceptance of Payment Terms Do you accept the above payment terms?
الموافقة على شروط الدفع: هل توافق على شروط الدفع اعلاه:
Requested Information The submission must include:
يجب تقديم ما يلي: يجب ان يتضمن التقديم ما يلي :
Bid Requirements Offers that do not meet the following will be automatically rejected regardless of price:
معلومات ملء العطاء سوف يتم رفض أي عطاء لا يلتزم بالشروط أدناه بغض النظر عن السعر:
Delivery Instructions: Complete and stamped and signed offer can be submitted directly to CRS Zalingei office. Or Rokero
Complete and stamped and signed offer must be delivered in sealed envelope with tender number on it (CRS-RFQ-CD-SD400007-2024) Delivery to CRS Sudan office located in Zalingei |
تعليمات التسليم: يجب تقديم العطاء الكامل والمختوم و الموقع في مكتب زالنجي/ او روكيرو
يجب ان لا تتجاوز السيرة الذاتية للشركة اكثر من 10 صفحات.
المنظمة في زالنجي
Experience Reference List
قائمة مراجع الاعمال السابقة
Name of Organization أسم المنظمة |
Name of Person أسم الشخص |
Name of Project أسم المشروع |
Project Start Date تاريخ المباشرة بالمشروع |
Project duration مدة تنفيذ المشروع |
Phone Number رقم الموبايل |
Email Address البريد الالكتروني |
Company name: أسم الشركة : |
Legal address: العنوان الثابت: |
Telephone Number: رقم الهاتف: |
Email: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني: |
Representative Name اسم الممثل: |
Business Certificate Registration Number: رقم تسجيل شهادة العمل: |
Tax registration Number: رقم التسجيل الضريبي: |
Contract duration: مدة العقد : |
Bank details:
تفاصيل الحساب:
إسم الينك : -------------------------------------------------------
الفرع ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Do you have partnerships with any other companies (such as shared management / staff / office / bank account)? Do you cooperate with any other companies in preparing offers or providing of goods or services? هل لديك شراكات مع أي من الشركات الأخرى ( مثل إدارة / الموظفين / المكتب حساب مشترك / البنك) ؟ هل تتعاون مع أي من الشركات الأخرى في إعداد العروض أو توفير السلع أو الخدمات؟ |
If the answer for previous question is yes, please provide details here including the names of partner companies. إذا كان الجواب عن السؤال السابق نعم ، يرجى تقديم التفاصيل هنا بما في ذلك أسماء الشركات الشريكة |
Other comments: ملاحظات اخرى: |
Experience / references for the related work of experience (Please attached any related contract, purchase order, certificate, etc.) that does not exceed 10 pages. References MUST include contact information. يجب ان يحتوي على عناوين الاتصال من مراجع الخبرة المرجع من الخبرة ( الرجاء ارفاق دليل من الاعمال السابقة ذات الصلة من عقود , اوراق شراء , ورقة اتمام عمل , اخرى ) لا تتجاوز عشرة اوراق. |
Signature التوقيع |
Date التاريخ |
Attached (1)
Specifications: -
Purchasing poultry (cocks & Hen) in productive age, healthy and vaccinated against Newcastle, IB infectious Bronchitis and MD markes diseases.
Description of Items وصف القطع المطلوبه |
Arabic الوصف باللغة العربية |
Units Needed العدد |
Units Price سعر القطعة |
Total Price السعر الاجمالي |
Purchasing poultry (cocks & Hen) in productive age, healthy and must be vaccinated by (1) Zoetis Ltd, (2)BIOVAC Ltd, (3)BIO- Med Ltd and (4) BIO- Med Ltd) against Newcastle, IB infectious Bronchitis, Gumboro disease and MD markes diseases. |
شراء ديك ودجاجة في عمر انتاجي ومطعمة ب ( بالفاكسينات " (1) Zoetis Ltd, (2)BIOVAC Ltd, (3)BIO- Med Ltd (4) BIO- Med Ltd) ضد أمراض نيوكاسل، ام دي ماركس و برونشيستس |
1602 |
Each رأس |
Purchasing poultry (cocks & Hen) in productive age, healthy and must be vaccinated by (1)Zoetis Ltd, (2)BIOVAC Ltd, (3)BIO- Med Ltd and (4) BIO- Med Ltd) against Newcastle, IB infectious Bronchitis, Gumboro disease and MD markes diseases. |
شراء ديك ودجاجة في عمر انتاجي ومطعمة ب ( بالفاكسينات " (1) Zoetis Ltd, (2)BIOVAC Ltd, (3)BIO- Med Ltd (4) BIO- Med Ltd) ضد أمراض نيوكاسل، ام دي ماركس و برونشيستس |
1632 |
Each رأس |
Total |
Attachment (2)
This Supplier Code of Conduct is applicable to, and binding upon, all Catholic Relief Services’ suppliers, service providers, and consultants in service to CRS.
CRS is committed to the Code of Conduct and suppliers are expected to comply with these regulations, except when donor requirements, such as the UN Supplier Code of Conduct, supersede this code. Consequently, ethical business standards shall govern all transactions. Suppliers must be aware of situations and circumstances requiring prudent action, including the following:
Forced Labor: CRS expects its suppliers to prohibit forced, bonded and involuntary prison labor. Suppliers shall not require workers to lodge “deposits” or their identity papers with their employer or any recruiting agency. Workers shall be free to leave their employer at any time, given reasonable notice.
Child Labor: CRS expects that its suppliers do not recruit or employ children, as defined by the law of the country or countries where work takes place. Suppliers shall not employ children under age 18 at night or subject them to hazardous working conditions.
Fair Wages: CRS expects that its suppliers pay wages and benefits that meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmark standards. Suppliers shall pay wages in legal tender and in regular intervals. Deductions from wages shall only be permitted under conditions and to the extent prescribed by the applicable law, regulations or collective agreements. Suppliers are expected to inform their workers of such deductions at the time of each payment. Suppliers are expected to provide all workers with written and understandable information about their employment conditions in respect to wages, before they enter employment.
Working Hours: CRS expects that the working hours provided by suppliers comply with national laws and collective agreements. Overtime work should be voluntary.
Healthy, Safe and Hygienic Conditions: CRS expects that its suppliers ensure that all working and, where applicable, living environments are safe and healthy. Suppliers are expected to take adequate steps to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work. Suppliers should provide access to clean toilet facilities and potable water, and, if appropriate, sanitary facilities for food storage.
Anti-Discrimination: CRS expects that its suppliers do not discriminate in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination or retirement on the basis of race, class, national origin, religion, age, disability, sex, or political affiliation.
Freedom of association and right to employee representation: CRS expects its suppliers to recognize workers’ right to freely form and join organizations of their own choosing.
Harsh or Inhumane Treatment: CRS expects that its suppliers do not subject employees to physical abuse or discipline, the threat of physical abuse, sexual or other harassment and verbal abuse or other forms of intimidation.
Environment: At minimum, CRS expects its suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to environmental impact. Suppliers, wherever possible, are expected to support a precautionary approach to environmental matters and undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Where speed of deployment is essential in saving lives, CRS will purchase necessary goods and services from the most appropriate available source.
The supplier shall not offer, promise, or attempt to influence CRS employees in the procurement for goods and services.
I have carefully read CRS’ Supplier Code of Conduct and understand it. I am aware that any deviations to the ethical standards listed above are not allowed in any procurement transactions. Failure to abide by supplier code of conduct may constitute breach of my contract with CRS, and my signature below acknowledges my understanding and agreement.
I understand and confirm that no personnel of CRS have received or will be offered any direct or indirect benefit arising from any agreements I sign with CRS
Company Name:-----------------------------------------------------
Representative Name and Signature:------------------------------------------------------------