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We work with organizations around the world to help poor and vulnerable people overcome emergencies, earn a living through agriculture and access affordable health care.
Catholic Relief Services
خدمات الاغاثة الكاثوليكية CRS
North Sudan Program |
Port Sudan Office
طلب عرض أسعار
Request for Quotation
Name of Supplier: ____________________________________________إسم العميل:
Address: ______________________________________________________العنوان:
Contact Person: __________________________________________إسم المسئول المباشر:
Phone/ Email: _____________________________________: رقم الهاتف والبريد الالكتروني
RFQ No: CRS-PSD-10-2024
Bank details:
تفاصيل الحساب:
إسم الينك: ---------------------------------------
اسم الحساب:--------------------------------------
رقم الحساب : -----------------------------------
الفرع -------------------------------------------------- |
Specifications: Vehicle with valid license and insurance, with Driver and fuel
Specifications: -
Description of Items وصف القطع المطلوبه |
Arabic الوصف باللغة العربية |
Units Needed العدد |
Price per Day In USD |
Total Price in USD |
Hilux 4X4 model 2018 or above, provided with Fire extinguisher and first aid kits, AC, and spare tire and with Fuel and Driver The workstation inside Port Sudan From 7:00am to 6:00pm |
180 day |
Please submit your bid to CRS Sudan at House No.366, Block 4, Hay Almatar, East Al-Waledain Mosque, Alsilk Street, Port Sudan, or through Email: tenders.sudan@crs.org
Prices in USD the payment will be with equivalent amount with official Bank rate
Other Details: مواصفات أخري:
Categories الفئة
CRS Preference المصدر |
YES نعم |
NO لا |
Remarks ملاحظات |
Car registered |
Car has valid insurance |
Driver has valid Driving license |
Current condition is meet the standard |
Validity of Quotation صلاحية العرض |
to be specified يلزم تحديدها |
Payment Term شروط الدفع |
Monthly After Delivery/After receiving invoice 7 days بعد التسليم ام/ بعد 7 ايام من استلام الفاتورة |
Disclaimer Clause: We declare that we have read all the terms & conditions and the information provided by our company are correct and incase of any deviation from the quoted price or terms & condition we will inform CRS accordingly.
Name الاسم |
Signature with company Stamp التوقيع والختم
Date: --------------
التأريخ:---------------- |
Closing Date of Tender: 22/10/2024 at 04:00 PM |
Sealed quotation must be received in CRS Office not later than: عرض الاسعار يجب ان يقدم في تأريخ لا يتجاوز
22/10/2024 at 4:00pm لفترة أسبوع فقط |
For any queries, feel free to contact us through above mentioned contact details.
لاي استفسار , الرجاء عدم التردد في الاتصال بالرقم المرفق/ 0912284670 |