Bid Closed
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Supply and Delivery of Local Sheep
ZOA International
 Bid No: RFQ GED/14/08/2024
 City: Gedaref
 Deadline: 19 August 2024


Bids to be submitted per e-mail to: (


or delivered in a sealed envelope to the following address: ZOA Office, Gedareef- Almufrgaat (المفرقعات بالقرب من جامع التهامي ومنظمة الإغاثة الإسلامية)


Closing deadline: Monday, 19 August, 2024









Unit cost

 Total cost


Purchase of Female Sheep for 12 groups

Age : 1 year –  1 year and three months
Pregnant or had one offspring 
Proved to be Brucella free
General good health condition
No any external deformities
All the four leg to be straight and normal
The udder to be soft- normal with no external deformities – 2 teats  which had normal open 
Free from apparent external parasite






Purchase of male Sheep for 12 groups

Age : 1 year –  2year and a half 
General good health condition
No any external deformities
All the four leg to be straight and normal
Capable of insemination 








Total (VAT excluded)




17% VAT (if applicable)




Grand Total




Delivery Time:




Please note that ZOA may require additional quantities for additional camps during the coming months, when the required additional sheep are identified, the awarded supplier will be requested to confirm the offer validity, if confirmed, a new PO/Contract will be issued with the additional quantities and corresponding prices.

to enable you form participating, please see attached full RFQ and Code of conduct, kinldy read the instructions carefully for your application.


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