Bid Closed
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Conflict analysis for Integrated Food Security & Livelihood Support for Communities in Kassala & Gedaref States.
ZOA International
 Bid No: RFQ GRD/24/07/2024
 City: Khartoum
 Deadline: 31 July 2024

ZOA invites your company to make a firm offer for the following:


Conflict Analysis for Integrated Food Security & Livelihood Support for Communities in Kassala & Gedaref States, In 5 localities.


Required documentation:

  1. VAT registration.
  2. Company registration.
  3. Experience Certificate.
  4. Company profile with similar studies
  5. Technical proposal
  6. Financial proposal



Your offer should clearly indicate:


  1. Ex-works unit price
  1. Time of delivery: how many days after order
  1. Maximum capacity of units delivered
  1. Total unit price



  1. Total gross/ net weight
  1. Confirmed delivery schedule
  1. Validity of the offer
  1. Detailed specifications (if different from stipulated specifications)
  1. Expected payment schedule and/or payment details (bank account information) of supplier
  1. Previous experience in delivering this service/goods/works (date, size of order, to whom)
  1. Signed ZOA Supplier Code of Conduct

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