Bid Closed
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Provision of Climate Change information to Smallholder farmers in DCC targeted locations in Blue Nile region, Sudan



ADRA Sudan has been operational in Sudan for over 40 years and currently leads humanitarian assistance efforts in conflict-affected Blue Nile, White Nile and West Darfur States, supporting IDPs, returnees, refugees and host communities. ADRA is also implementing urban programming supporting women projects in Khartoum state.ADRA Sudan’s current areas of programming include food Security and livelihoods, WASH, nutrition, Peace building and Conflict Resolution, Education and protection, with gender Equity and environment mainstreamed.

 Bid No: Ref:0010- FY24
 City: Blue Nile Region
 Deadline: 08 August 2024

TENDER NOTICE:  2024. DCC project

ADRA Sudan is ADRA global humanitarian organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Through an international network, ADRA delivers relief and development assistance to individuals in more than 130 countries—regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, or religious association. By partnering with communities, organizations, and governments, ADRA is able to improve the quality of life of millions through 9 impact areas.

ADRA Sudan is seeking services from a registered capable, competent and experienced software Developer/s or Telecom Value Added Service deliverer (VAS) to develop and deliver digital services for:

Provision of Early warning and Climate Change Information Dissemination services to smallholder Farmers in Blue Nile Region, Sudan targeting farmers in Kurmuk locality in Blue Nile Region.


Interested and qualified firms/companies with required skills, experience and capacity to supply these services within a 10 months’ time frame can be reached with the Scope of work for this service, and they can fill-in their financial offer built in the SOW.

The tender duration is one month as from July 7th to August 6th and any offer submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

Due to ongoing situation in the country and the special criteria of few service providers or SOLE Service Provider the Tender packages can be:

  • Sent to the company through emails whenever the interested company/ies shared their emails and contacts details.

And also, for the same reason above:

  • Tender packages can be submitted or send offers to the email detailed below marked with/or titled Tender Notice 2024. DCC/Project and



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