Bid Closed
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Public Tender for Financial Service Providers – Humanitarian Cash عطاء مقدم خدمات مالية
Sudanese Red Crescent Society
 Deadline: 01 July 2024

The Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) seeks to establish frameworks agreements with one or more FINANCIAL SERVICE PROVIDERS (FSPs), which are able to deliver cash to the specific project needs in different states of Sudan and have experience in humanitarian projects. The modality of the delivery of the cash transfer for the affected populations will be unrestricted, the FSPs are expected to be able to deliver the cash to the registered beneficiaries through either mobile money, bank transfers, pre-paid cards and/or cash in hand. SRCS would like to request bids from Financial Service Providers (such as banks, mobile companies, remittance companies, etc) regarding the available delivery mechanism in Sudan.

Tender documents containing Request for Proposal, SRCS General Terms and Conditions, Scope of work for the Framework Agreements, FSP Response sheet, Cost Breakdown, Supplier Registration Form and Declaration of Undertaking. The tenders’ documents can be collected under signature, from Sudanese Red Crescent Headquarter, Supply Change Department in SRCS Port Sudan HQ near Comboni School from Sunday to Thursday, from 8:30 to 15:30 pm between 4th of June 2024 until 1st of July 2024
The Bids shall be accompanied by the following documents and /or certificates
⦁    Company profile 
⦁    Documents showing experiences in delivering humanitarian cash with UN and/or INGOs (if applicable)
⦁    Company registration certificate   

Bids closing date: 01 July 2024 at 15:00 pm. 

Tender shall be submitted in SEALED envelope with the Tender Reference “Financial Service Providers for Sudanese Red Cross Society (SRCS) Cash Distributions in Sudan” addressed to – Sudanese Red Crescent Society HQ, Port Sudan. Any envelop unsealed, any incomplete tender submission; will be rejected from the rest of the competitive process.
Sudanese Red Crescent Society – reserved the right to accept or reject any bid. 
For questions, please contact: 0918188254

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