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Dear Sir/Madam,
Further to your enquiry regarding the publication of the above-mentioned Invitation to Tender for Supply of Office & Team House Furniture, please find enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier:
1a. Instructions To Tenderer
1b. Technical Evaluation Form
1c. Tenderer’s Relevant Experience
1d. Tenderer’s Financial Bid
1e. Tenderer’s Declaration
2. Concern World Purchasing Terms and Conditions
3. Associated Policies to Concern’s Code of Conduct
4. Concern Anti –fraud and Whistleblowing Policy
We look forward to receiving your tender on or before Thursday 19thNovember 2020, at2:30p.mat the address specified in the tender dossier.
Your tender bid must include the following documentation so please use the list below as a ‘Checklist’ before submitting your tender to Concern.
Description |
Checklist |
Offers must be submitted in sealed envelopes, marked “not to be opened before 30thNovember 2020, at2:30 p.m.” and should bear the tender reference “CWW/SUD/191572/2020 - Supply & Of Office & Team House Furniture” specified above on the outside of the envelope for identification purposes.
Yours sincerely,
Nimrod Williams
For bidding process and more details check the below attached document.