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We work with organizations around the world to help poor and vulnerable people overcome emergencies, earn a living through agriculture and access affordable health care.
Name of Tender : Supply construction materials and labour cost for construction following: -
Tender Number: CRS-RFP-SD00002-ZAL-2023
Opening Date 20th of February 2023 Submision deadline date: 2/ March /2023 – 16 :00 PM Please submit your bid to this email only. tenders.sudan@crs.org
For further information please contact:
اسم العطاء : توريد مواد بناء + عمالة البناء للاتي
رقم العطاء : CRS-RFP-SD00002-ZAL-2023 تاريخ بدء العطاء 20 فبراير 2023 تاريخ انتهاء التقديم: 2/ مارس / 2023 – 14:00 بعد الظهر
الرجاء ارسال عرضكم فقط على العنوان tenders.sudan@crs.org
لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل مع:
Dear Sir / Madam, CRS Sudan is looking for supply companies to provide the items/services shown in Attachment 1 at a competitive price and with high quality.
General Requirements 1. Must be registered to conduct business and in compliance with federal government tax regulations in Sudan. 2. Experience supplying International Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, or large private companies will be an advantage. 4. CRS retains the right to reject, cancel, negotiate, amend, split and accept any offer, without consideration of the lowest offer. 5. This is an invitation to vendors and is not a promise or obligation that CRS will contract with suppliers through the submitted offers. 6. Relevant bid committee may request for physical samples of some items during evaluation process of bids. |
سيدي / سيدتي العزيز(ة) هيئة الإغاثة الكاثوليكية برامج السودان تبحث عن شركات من المهتمين بتوفير المواد/ الخدمات المشار إليها أدناه في الملحق رقم 1 بأسعار منافسة وبجودة عالية. متطلبات عامة: 1 . يجب أن يكون مسجلا لإجراء الأعمال التجارية مع ما يتوافق ولوائح الضرائب الحكومية في السودان . 3 . الخبرة في تزويد المنظمات الدولية، المنظمات الغير حكومية، أو الشركات الكبيرة الخاصة ستكون ميزة. 4 . تحتفظ هيئة الاغاثة الكاثوليكية بالحق في رفض، إلغاء، التفاوض، تعديل، تجزئة وقبول أي عرض، دون النظر الى أدنى عرض. . 5. هذه دعوة للموردين وليس وعد أو التزام من هيئة الإغاثة الكاثوليكية للتعاقد مع الموردين من خلال العروض المقدمة 6. قد تقوم لجنة الإحالة المعنية بطلب نماذج عينية لبعض المواد اثناء عملية تقييم العروض. |
Payment Terms
شروط الدفع
Acceptance of Payment Terms Do you accept the above payment terms?
الموافقة على شروط الدفع: هل توافق على شروط الدفع اعلاه:
Requested Information The submission must include:
يجب تقديم ما يلي: يجب ان يتضمن التقديم ما يلي :
Bid Requirements Offers that do not meet the following will be automatically rejected regardless of price:
معلومات ملء العطاء سوف يتم رفض أي عطاء لا يلتزم بالشروط أدناه بغض النظر عن السعر:
Delivery Instructions: Complete and stamped and signed offer can be submitted by email to tenders.sudan@crs.org Please note, this email address only receives offers, and does not reply to any questions or email. For any inquires or information requests, please send your message to Procurement.Sudan@crs.org.
تعليمات التسليم: يجب تقديم العطاء الكامل والمختوم و الموقع عن طريق عنوان البريد الالكتروني tenders.sudan@crs.org هذا البريد الإلكتروني مخصص فقط لاستلام العروض ولا يمكنه الرد على اسئلتكم او رسائلكم. . في حاله وجود أسئلة او استفسارات الرجاء مراسلتنا على العنوان التالي:
Past Experience Reference List
قائمة مراجع الاعمال السابقة
Name of Organization أسم المنظمة |
Name of Person أسم الشخص |
Name of Project أسم المشروع |
Project Start Date تاريخ المباشرة بالمشروع |
Project duration مدة تنفيذ المشروع |
Phone Number رقم الموبايل |
Email Address البريد الالكتروني |
Company name: أسم الشركة : |
Legal address: العنوان الثابت: |
Telephone Number: رقم الهاتف: |
Email: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني: |
Representative Name اسم الممثل: |
Business Certificate Registration Number: رقم تسجيل شهادة العمل: |
Tax registration Number: رقم التسجيل الضريبي: |
Contract duration : مدة العقد : |
Do you have partnerships with any other companies (such as shared management / staff / office / bank account)? Do you cooperate with any other companies in preparing offers or providing of goods or services? هل لديك شراكات مع أي من الشركات الأخرى ( مثل إدارة / الموظفين / المكتب حساب مشترك / البنك) ؟ هل تتعاون مع أي من الشركات الأخرى في إعداد العروض أو توفير السلع أو الخدمات؟ |
If the answer for previous question is yes, please provide details here including the names of partner companies. إذا كان الجواب عن السؤال السابق نعم ، يرجى تقديم التفاصيل هنا بما في ذلك أسماء الشركات الشريكة |
Other comments: ملاحظات اخرى: |
Experience / references for the related work of experience (Please attached any related contract, purchase order, certificate, etc.) that does not exceed 10 pages. References MUST include contact information. يجب ان يحتوي على عناوين الاتصال من مراجع الخبرة المرجع من الخبرة ( الرجاء ارفاق دليل من الاعمال السابقة ذات الصلة من عقود , اوراق شراء , ورقة اتمام عمل , اخرى ) لا تتجاوز عشرة اوراق. |
Signature التوقيع |
Date التاريخ |
Attachment (1) – SOW & BOQ
الملحق (1) – نطاق العمل و جدول الاسعار
Galol Health Facility |
Bill Of Quantities for Rehabilitation 7 Rooms and Waiting Area |
N O |
Description |
Unit |
Quantity |
Price SDG |
Amount SDG |
Site Clearance: - |
1 |
M² |
2500 |
2 |
Excavate strip foundation with width 50cm and depth 60 cm |
ML |
8.5 |
3 |
Provide and back fill strip foundation with stone using up to 40 cm from bottom of strip cement / sand mortar Mix 1: 8 |
ML |
8.5 |
4 |
provide and construct cut off wall using thickness one and half brick (first class burned brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm) with height 25 cm above Zero level,use cement/sand mix 1:8 |
ML |
8.5 |
5 |
provide and construct brick wall including Barbate by using thickness one brick (first class burn brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm) ,use sand /cement Mortar mix 1:8 |
M² |
115 |
6 |
construct and lay plaster ( 1:8 cement sand mortar) internal and external include (barabied) and crossings of windows and doors |
M² |
100 |
7 |
provide and install iron corrugated sheets (zinc 0.35) for roof of 7 rooms and waiting Areas complete with steel Rafters (use steel hollow steel pipes 4x8 cm2) (As shown in Diagram) |
M² |
225 |
8 |
provide and casting plain concrete with depth 10 cm use mix 1:3:6 fair face finish |
M² |
25 |
9 |
provide and install taile |
M² |
200 |
10 |
provide and install skirt with height 20 cm |
ML |
116 |
11 |
provide and apply painting in walls, internally and external wall should be smooth surface finish use gypsum/filler or silky and apply plastic emulsion (Bomastic) in 3 coats , |
M² |
710 |
12 |
provide and fix steel door size 1 mx2 m(accomy) with 20 cm opening in upper side covered by fiber using screw |
No. |
7 |
13 |
provide and fix steel window with fine mesh and sixbanda size 1 mx1.2 m(accomy) with 20 cm opening in upper side covered by fiber using screw |
No. |
13 |
14 |
provide and fix steel window ( Sky light) with fine mesh and sixbanda size 120 cm X 100 cm as instructed by Engineering |
No. |
1 |
15 |
provide and fix steel window ( Sky light) with fine mesh and sixbanda size 275 cm X 100 cm as instructed by Engineering |
No. |
1 |
16 |
provide and install Iron pipe Cylindrical 3 inches height 3 m |
No. |
5 |
17 |
provide and install American Zinc sheets hanking 1 m and length 9 m |
job |
1 |
Total amount |
Kutrum Health Facility |
Bill Of Quantities for Rehabilitation three Rooms and Waiting Area |
N O |
Description |
Unit |
Quantity |
Price SDG |
Amount SDG |
Site Clearance: - |
M² |
2500 |
1 |
Excavate strip foundation with width 50cm and depth 60 cm |
ML |
80 |
2 |
Provide and back fill strip foundation with stone using up to 40 cm from bottom of strip cement / sand mortar Mix 1: 8 |
ML |
80 |
3 |
provide and construct cut off wall using thickness two brick (first class burned brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm) with height 25 cm above Zero level,use cement/sand mix 1:8 |
ML |
80 |
4 |
provide and cast reinforced concrete (1:2:4) mix for grade beam with section 30 cmx 30 cm use steel bar 12 mm 5T12@150mmc/c As shown in drawing |
ML |
62 |
5 |
provide and cast reinforced concrete (1:2:4) mix for lintel beam with section 30 cmx 20 cm use steel bar 12 mm 5T12@150mmc/c As shown in drawing |
ML |
62 |
6 |
provide and construct brick wall including Barbate by using thickness one and half brick (first class burn brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm) ,use mud morter |
M² |
208 |
7 |
construct and lay plaster ( 1:8 cement sand mortar) internal and external include (barabied) and crossings of windows and doors |
M² |
416 |
8 |
provide and install iron corrugated sheets (zinc 0.35) for roof of three rooms and waiting Area complete with steel Rafters (use steel hollow steel pipes 4x8 cm2) (As shown in Diagram) |
M² |
100 |
9 |
Provide and back fill using selected material in side the building up to depth 50 cm above Zero level in 3 layers |
M³ |
52 |
10 |
provide and casting plain concrete with depth 10 cm use mix 1:3:6 fair face finish |
M² |
104 |
11 |
provide and install taile |
M² |
86 |
12 |
provide and install skirt with height 20 cm |
ML |
76 |
13 |
provide and apply painting in walls, internally and external wall should be smooth surface finish use gypsum/filler or silky and apply plastic emulsion (Bomastic) in 3 coats , |
M² |
416 |
14 |
provide and fix steel door size 1 mx2.2 m(accomy) with 20 cm opening in upper side covered by fiber using screw |
No. |
3 |
15 |
provide and fix steel window with fine mesh and sixbanda size 1 mx1.2 m(accomy) with 20 cm opening in upper side covered by fiber using screw |
No. |
9 |
16 |
provide and fix steel window ( Sky light) with fine mesh and sixbanda size 40 cm X 30cm as instructed by Engineering |
No. |
4 |
17 |
provide and construct steps and Ramp for waiting Area with width 120 cm and 60 cm height As detailed ind drawing , 30 cm foot and 15 cm raises included handrails |
job |
4 |
Galol Health Facility |
BoQ for construct one latrine with 2 block and 2 shower |
No |
Items Description |
Unit |
Quantity |
Price SDG |
Amount |
1 |
Excavate hole for a 2 block communal latrine size 2.6 mX 3.7m and 5 m depth. |
M³ |
50 |
2 |
construct and build brick wall around hole for lining by using thickness one brick and half(first class burn brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm) must rise 0.5 m from zero level,use cement /sand mortar |
M² |
70 |
3 |
provide and casting plain concrete with depth 10 cm use mix 1:3:6 |
M² |
6.5 |
4 |
provide and cast reinforced concrete (1:2:4) mix for tie beam with section 30 cmx 30 cm use steel bar 12 mm 4T12@150mmc/c As shown in drawing |
ML |
11.5 |
5 |
construct and cast reinforce concrete slabs use mix (1:2:4) thickness of 20 cm using 12 mm steel bar with 150 mm spacing (Y12@15 cm c/c) with manhole |
M² |
10 |
6 |
construct and build brick wall for 2 block communal latrine , 2 bathroom and |
M² |
92 |
7 |
Provide and cast reinforce concrete lentel Beam use mix (1:2:4) thickness of 10 cm using 12 mm steel bar with strips 150 mm spacing (6mm@15 cm c/c) |
ML |
16.5 |
8 |
Excavate strip foundation with width 40 cm and depth 45 cm |
ML |
30 |
9 |
provide and construct cut off wall using thickness one and half brick (first class burned brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm) with height 30 cm above Zero level, use cement/sand mix 1:9 |
ML |
30 |
10 |
Provide and back fill using selected material in side the building up to dept 50 cm above Zero level in 3 layers |
M³ |
15 |
11 |
construct and build brick wall with height 1.8 m by using thickness one brick (first class burn brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm ,use cement /sand mortar |
M² |
14 |
12 |
Provide and install heavy metal doors (180 cm X 0.8cm) framed with hollow steel pipe and it has sky light with hight 20cm at top use mesh (fine and sixbanda) |
Pcs |
4 |
13 |
fixing squat seats for latrine |
Pcs |
2 |
14 |
provide and install taile |
M² |
3.6 |
15 |
provide and install skirt |
ML |
10 |
16 |
Provide and fix ventilation PVC pipe 3 inchs (3 meters Apove slab) covered with mesh at top |
No. |
2 |
17 |
construct and lay plaster ( 1:8 cement sand mortar) internal and external include (barabied) |
M² |
184 |
18 |
provide and fix opening steel window framed with steel Angle and mesh (fine and sixbanda) |
No. |
4 |
19 |
apply painting in walls internally and externally ,use 3 coat of Bombastic |
M² |
184 |
20 |
construct and install iron corrugated sheets (zinc 35) for roof complete with steel rafters (use steel hollow pipes 3cm x 6 cm ) |
M² |
12.5 |
21 |
construct and cast plain concrete with depth 10 cm |
M² |
19.2 |
22 |
Provide and install public water basin wash with one taps including all necessary water connection fitting and connected with water tank |
No. |
2 |
23 |
Provide and fix ( biba) |
No. |
2 |
24 |
provide and build Giltrab size 30x30 cm with concrete cover |
No. |
4 |
25 |
Provide and build mainhole size 50x50 cm with concrete cover with connected to Giltrab and pit using P V C Pipe 4 inch |
No. |
4 |
26 |
Excavite pit with section 2 mx2m and depth 3m and back fill with crashed brick include 4 layers of charcool jn 10cm |
job |
2 |
Total amount |
Kutrum Health Facility |
BoQ for construct one latrine with 2 block and 2 shower |
No |
Items Description |
Unit |
Quantity |
Price SDG |
Amount SDG |
1 |
Excavate hole for a 2 block communal latrine size 2.6 mX 3.7m and 5 m depth. |
M³ |
50 |
2 |
construct and build brick wall around hole for lining by using thickness one brick and half(first class burn brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm) must rise 0.5 m from zero level,use cement /sand mortar |
M² |
70 |
3 |
provide and casting plain concrete with depth 10 cm use mix 1:3:6 |
M² |
6.5 |
4 |
provide and cast reinforced concrete (1:2:4) mix for tie beam with section 30 cmx 30 cm use steel bar 12 mm 4T12@150mmc/c As shown in drawing |
ML |
11.5 |
5 |
construct and cast reinforce concrete slabs use mix (1:2:4) thickness of 20 cm using 12 mm steel bar with 150 mm spacing (Y12@15 cm c/c) with manhole |
M² |
10 |
6 |
construct and build brick wall for 2 block communal latrine , 2 bathroom and |
M² |
92 |
7 |
Provide and cast reinforce concrete lentel Beam use mix (1:2:4) thickness of 10 cm using 12 mm steel bar with strips 150 mm spacing (6mm@15 cm c/c) |
ML |
16.5 |
8 |
Excavate strip foundation with width 40 cm and depth 45 cm |
ML |
30 |
9 |
provide and construct cut off wall using thickness one and half brick (first class burned brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm) with height 30 cm above Zero level, use cement/sand mix 1:9 |
ML |
30 |
10 |
Provide and back fill using selected material in side the building up to dept 50 cm above Zero level in 3 layers |
M³ |
15 |
11 |
construct and build brick wall with height 1.8 m by using thickness one brick (first class burn brick size 11cm x6cm x22 cm ,use cement /sand mortar |
M² |
14 |
12 |
Provide and install heavy metal doors (180 cm X 0.8cm) framed with hollow steel pipe and it has sky light with hight 20cm at top use mesh (fine and sixbanda) |
Pcs |
4 |
13 |
fixing squat seats for latrine |
Pcs |
2 |
14 |
provide and install taile |
M² |
3.6 |
15 |
provide and install skirt |
ML |
10 |
16 |
Provide and fix ventilation PVC pipe 3 inchs (3 meters Apove slab) covered with mesh at top |
No. |
2 |
17 |
construct and lay plaster ( 1:8 cement sand mortar) internal and external include (barabied) |
M² |
184 |
18 |
provide and fix opening steel window framed with steel Angle and mesh (fine and sixbanda) |
No. |
4 |
19 |
apply painting in walls internally and externally ,use 3 coat of Bombastic |
M² |
184 |
20 |
construct and install iron corrugated sheets (zinc 35) for roof complete with steel rafters (use steel hollow pipes 3cm x 6 cm ) |
M² |
12.5 |
21 |
construct and cast plain concrete with depth 10 cm |
M² |
19.2 |
22 |
Provide and install public water basin wash with one taps including all necessary water connection fitting and connected with water tank |
No. |
2 |
23 |
Provide and fix ( biba) |
No. |
2 |
24 |
provide and build Giltrab size 30x30 cm with concrete cover |
No. |
4 |
25 |
Provide and build mainhole size 50x50 cm with concrete cover with connected to Giltrab and pit using P V C Pipe 4 inch |
No. |
4 |
26 |
Excavite pit with section 2 mx2m and depth 3m and back fill with crashed brick include 4 layers of charcool jn 10cm |
job |
2 |
Total Amount
Supply Chain Management