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Cash/Voucher Assistance Service Provider
Plan International
 City: Khartoum
 Deadline: 20 Jan 2022

Plan International aims to significantly contribute to the advancement of CVA and ensure that its approaches are mixed modalities, gender sensitive and rationally designed to meet the needs and outcome of the programme and are also adaptable to the context, feedback and evidence. Plan International initiated the use of CVA as a modality in 2011. In Sudan Plan is working in White Nile, Kassala, Gadaref, South Kordofan, North Kordofan, North Darfur and Khartoum and Plan International will have to work towards scaling up the CVA modalities by making good use of existing knowledge, platforms and networks within Sudan and skilled people, following a common process to get a more effective and dignified humanitarian responsePlan International aims to significantly contribute to the advancement of CVA and ensure that its approaches are mixed modalities, gender sensitive and rationally designed to meet the needs and outcome of the programme and are also adaptable to the context, feedback and evidence. Plan International initiated the use of CVA as a modality in 2011. In Sudan Plan is working in White Nile, Kassala, Gadaref, South Kordofan, North Kordofan, North Darfur and Khartoum and Plan International will have to work towards scaling up the CVA modalities by making good use of existing knowledge, platforms and networks within Sudan and skilled people, following a common process to get a more effective and dignified humanitarian response.


The purposes of this Terms of Reference to Identify existing service providers therefore intereset service provider can submit their porposal and all releated document through below email: 


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