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Consultancy to Evaluate of the experiment of integrating two SOS families in the community SOS Childrens Villages Sudan
SOS Childrens Villages Sudan
 City: Khartoum
 Deadline: 17 Oct 2020

The SOS Children’s Village Sudan (SOS CV Sudan) was stablished in 1978 with affiliation to  the SOS Children’s Village International. The SOSCV Sudanprovides long-term family base services, for the abandoned children who completely lost their parental care regardless colour, race or religious background. The SOSCV Sudan model is stand on four pillars house, brothers, sisters and community.  The SOSCV Sudan furnished with 15 houses of 5 to 7 children per house and mother who are living together in one community. Those children are receiving package of parental care, health, education services along with social and recreation activities. The SOSCV Sudanwork for abandoned, orphaned children or families and give them an opportunity to build lasting relationship with their families who are unable to care for them. Our commitment is that children grow-up in the healthy environment and pave their way for smoothly integrating in to their communities.


The programs of the SOSCV Sudan focused on protection and development of the children without parental care and those threaten by losing it. The SOSCV Sudanis addressing the needs of the vulnerable children through the Alternative Care Program (ACP).


The evaluation of the families’ integration experiment will perhaps help in the future community integration of families. It will eventually provide first-hand information to:

  1. To smoothly integrate families’ in their communities despite of the variant cultural, social and economic characteristics,
  2. Will help us to come up with clear criteria for selection of families to be integrated, suitable settlement area, preparatory activities for intended families to be integrated and preparatory actions for the recipient communities,
  3. Provide baseline information about smooth community integration that could be shared with sister organizations towards future cooperation.


The Goal:

The goal is to promote and enhance the smooth integration of the SOS families into the community life.


The main Objectives:

  1. To identify the socio-cultural factors that are facilitating and/or preventing the smooth integration of the SOS two families in their communities,
  2. To evaluate the level of children adaptation with the socio-cultural setting of their surrounding communities,
  3. To assess the caregivers parental care skills and its contribution to enhance the interaction of children with their peers as entry point towards the social integration of children – of both genders - in their communities,
  4. Give and account of the perceptions of hosting community members about the children and how they are dealing with them as an active community members,
  5. To figure out the key challenges/difficulties that children have experience in the social interaction with the people of their surrounding communities,
  6. Provide recommendations with suitable approach, corrective actions to be considered for future community integration of SOS families


Target groups and scope of the evaluation:

The evaluation will benefit from interviewing SOS caregivers, staff, children and members of the hosting communities. The evaluation will focus on the integrated two families, their children, children of the host communities and those who are in direct contact with the children and their parents.

The assessment evaluationinvolvesconsulting and discussing with community groups includingchildren of concern, mothers, fathers, community, youth, members, government officials, Agenciesand NGOs.

The evaluationisanticipatedto pay attention taken to children with parents, neighbouring-hood, sibling, aunt and community members of their surrounding


Time Frame:

The assessment survey will conduct in a period of three weeks, starting by October 22th, 2020. The final report shall be submitted in hard and soft copy to the SOS Children’s Villages Sudan maximum 1 week’ time from the date of completion of the assessment.

The above-mentioned period is both for preparing and conduct of the survey; and for briefing about the main findings and submitting the final report.


for more information check the below file.

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