Bid Closed
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Facilitator on Self-Reliant Trainings for Young People on Life Skills for Success (LS4S)
Save the Children International
 Bid No: SCI/SUD/KHT/2022/144282
 Publish Date: 14/8/2022
 Closing Date: 21/8/2022
 City: Khartoum
 Deadline: 23 August 2022

Save the Children International in Sudan is working across Sudan ( Khartoum, South, West and North Kordofan, North, West & Central Darfur States, Blue Nile, and the Red Sea State). Our thematic coverage includes Child Rights Governance, Child Protection, Education, Health, Nutrition, WASH, Livelihoods, And Humanitarian Emergencies. We maintain diversified sources of funding including SIDA, OFDA, ECHO , GSK, WFP , UNICEF , UNHCR , etc.

SCI will utilize the ‘Life Skills for Success (LS4S) common approach in the locations targeted by this activity, LS4S training requires experienced master trainers responsible for delivering structured LS4S sessions to identified Adolescents and Youth. After the selection process for the facilitator is made, SCI will train the facilitators on the contextualized curriculum of LS4S. The facilitator will use Save the children’s developed LS4S curriculum, and personal best practices and experience to conduct theoretical and practical training for 720 identified people in Khartoum and Gedarif States. The training will be conducted through 24 patches for both states and each patch will consist of 3 individuals 


Kindly refer to the attached Term of Referrence. 


For more inforamation, kindly contact Ismail Younus 00249911252708 ,


To apply kindly send your proposal to 

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