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We work with organizations around the world to help poor and vulnerable people overcome emergencies, earn a living through agriculture and access affordable health care.
Name of Tender: Construction of Cash Based Transfer Counter. In Morni - Kreinik locality -west Darfur state as attached BOQ & Drawings.
Tender Number: CRS-RFQ-GEN-111.2022
Closing date: 22/Aug. 11/8/2022 –2 :00 PM Please submit your bid to this email only. tenders.sudan@crs.org 0912976201-01230076201
For further information please contact:
اسم العطاء: بناء نافذة التحويل النقدي بمدينة مورني – محلية كرينك – غرب دارفور، كما مرفق بجدول الكميات والرسومات الهندسية.
رقم العطاء: CRS-RFQ-GEN-111.2022
تاريخ انتهاء التقديم: 22/ أغسطس 11/ 2022 –2:00 بعد الظهر
الرجاء ارسال عرضكم فقط على العنوان tenders.sudan@crs.org
لمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل مع: 0912976201 -0123076201 |
Dear Sir / Madam, CRS Sudan is looking for Reputable supply to provide the items/services shown in Attachment 1 at a competitive price and with high quality.
General Requirements 1. Must Be Registered to conduct the business and in compliance with federal governments tax regulations in Susan. 2. Experience supplying International Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, or large private companies will be an advantage. 4. CRS retains the right to reject, cancel, negotiate, amend, split and accept any offer, without consideration of the lowest offer. 5. This is an invitation to vendors and is not a promise or obligation that CRS will contract with suppliers through the submitted offers. 6. Relevant bid committee may request for physical samples of some items during evaluation process of bids. |
سيدي / سيدتي العزيز(ة) هيئة الإغاثة الكاثوليكية برامج السودان تبحث عن شركات او افراد المهتمين بتوفيرتقديرات / الخدمات المشار إليها أدناه في الملحق رقم 1 بأسعار منافسة وبجودة عالية. متطلبات عامة: 1 . يجب أن يكون مسجلا لإجراء الأعمال التجارية مع ما يتوافق ولوائح الضرائب الحكومية في السودان . 3 . الخبرة في تزويد المنظمات الدولية، المنظمات الغير حكومية، أو الشركات الكبيرة الخاصة ستكون ميزة. 4 . تحتفظ هيئة الاغاثة الكاثوليكية بالحق في رفض، إلغاء، التفاوض، تعديل، تجزئة وقبول أي عرض، دون النظر الى أدنى عرض. . 5. هذه دعوة للموردين وليس وعد أو التزام من هيئة الإغاثة الكاثوليكية للتعاقد مع الموردين من خلال العروض المقدمة 6. قد تقوم لجنة الإحالة المعنية بطلب نماذج عينية لبعض المواد اثناء عملية تقييم العروض. |
Payment Terms
شروط الدفع
Acceptance of Payment Terms Do you accept the above payment terms?
الموافقة على شروط الدفع: هل توافق على شروط الدفع اعلاه:
Requested Information The submission must include:
يجب تقديم ما يلي: يجب ان يتضمن التقديم ما يلي :
Bid Requirements Offers that do not meet the following will be automatically rejected regardless of price:
معلومات ملء العطاء سوف يتم رفض أي عطاء لا يلتزم بالشروط أدناه بغض النظر عن السعر:
Delivery Instructions: Complete and stamped and signed offer can be submitted by email to tenders.sudan@crs.org
تعليمات التسليم: يجب تقديم العطاء الكامل والمختوم و الموقع عن طريق عنوان البريد الالكتروني tenders.sudan@crs.org
CRS-RFQ-GEN-111.2022. وإلا سيتم استبعاد العطاء. يجب ان لا يتجاوز حجم المرفق 15 ميجابايت على ان لا تتجاوز السيرة الذاتية للشركة اكثر من 10 صفحات.
Experience Reference List
قائمة مراجع الاعمال السابقة
Name of Organization أسم المنظمة |
Name of Person أسم الشخص |
Name of Project أسم المشروع |
Project Start Date تاريخ المباشرة بالمشروع |
Project duration مدة تنفيذ المشروع |
Phone Number رقم الموبايل |
Email Address البريد الالكتروني |
Company name: أسم الشركة : |
Legal address: العنوان الثابت: |
Telephone Number: رقم الهاتف: |
Email: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني: |
Representative Name اسم الممثل: |
Business Certificate Registration Number: رقم تسجيل شهادة العمل: |
Tax registration Number: رقم التسجيل الضريبي: |
Contract duration: مدة العقد : |
Do you have partnerships with any other companies (such as shared management / staff / office / bank account)? Do you cooperate with any other companies in preparing offers or providing of goods or services? هل لديك شراكات مع أي من الشركات الأخرى ( مثل إدارة / الموظفين / المكتب حساب مشترك / البنك) ؟ هل تتعاون مع أي من الشركات الأخرى في إعداد العروض أو توفير السلع أو الخدمات؟ |
If the answer for previous question is yes, please provide details here including the names of partner companies. إذا كان الجواب عن السؤال السابق نعم ، يرجى تقديم التفاصيل هنا بما في ذلك أسماء الشركات الشريكة |
Other comments: ملاحظات اخرى: |
Experience / references for the related work of experience (Please attached any related contract, purchase order, certificate, etc.) that does not exceed 10 pages. References MUST include contact information. يجب ان يحتوي على عناوين الاتصال من مراجع الخبرة المرجع من الخبرة ( الرجاء ارفاق دليل من الاعمال السابقة ذات الصلة من عقود , اوراق شراء , ورقة اتمام عمل , اخرى ) لا تتجاوز عشرة اوراق. |
Signature التوقيع |
Date التاريخ |
Attachment No: 1
New construction of Cash Based Transfer 14 x 3 m Ccounters in Morni – west Darfur state |
# |
Description |
Unit |
Quantity |
Unit rate |
Total |
1 |
Earth works (cutting & filling): Excavations should be as per standard, technical specifications. Price is inclusive of planning, Excavations, and filling of sides and backfilling with compacted gravels, if necessary, re-move of soil and disposal of it out of the site and clearance of beds to the required depth as per technical drawings. |
1.1 |
Excavation: Excavate strips foundation for the main building (50 cm width x 70 cm depth). |
ML |
35.2 |
1.2 |
Excavate 20 x 30 cm width & depth strips foundation for the terrace around the building |
ML |
43.4 |
1.3 |
Backfilling: Provide a selected gravel and backfilling in compacted layers 20cm each under the plain concrete ground. |
M3 |
25.2 |
Sub-total of Earth works |
2 |
Concrete works: Rates shall include but are not limited to the following: all equipment necessary for transferring, depositing and discharging concrete, all types of formworks required to give fair-face concrete, all struts, bracing, scaffolding or staging and accessories, all materials including reinforcing steel bars, tying wire, cement, etc. watering and curing with clean water for at least 5 days after casting. |
2.1 |
Plain concrete: Supply and cast 10 cm thick plain concrete 1:3:6 mix with approved ordinary port land cement and approved coarse and sand for floor, with smooth surface finish and required expansion joints (2.85m x 3.90m).and 5cm thick plain concrete for the rounding sill as per specifications and drawings. |
M3 |
4.2 |
2.2 |
Reinforcement Concrete: Supply and casting reinforced concrete for ground beam (0.30m x 0.30m) reinforced with 4 bars 12mm steel bars strirrups of 6 mm at 15 cm spacing. |
ML |
35.2 |
2.3 |
Reinforcement Concrete: Supply and casting reinforced concrete for lintel tie beam (0.15m x 0.35m) reinforced by 4 bar 12mm steel bars and stirrups of 6mm at 0.15m spacing. |
ML |
35.2 |
2.4 |
Sill concrete: Supply and cast (105 x 10) cm windows sill using reinforced concrete 1:2:4 mix use 10 mm steel bars @ 20 cm for main bars and 40 for secondary bars. |
ML |
14 |
Sub-total of concrete |
3 |
Bricks & Masonry works: rates shall include but are not limited to the following: Provide and lay brick walls of first class ordinary burnt red clay bricks (22x11x7)cm in cement/sand as specified. All scaffoldings, all cutting to form bond, opening holes, and all required materials and labour’s, Curing. Rates shall allow for required openings for doors, windows, etc. All types of bricks must be approved by the Engineer before using.
3.1 |
foundation: Supply and construct 50 cm red brunt bricks-cement foundation using 1:6 cement-sand mortar from the bottom of excavation to 35cm above the ground in lowest point |
ML |
35.2 |
3.2 |
One half bricks wall: Supply and cast one& half bricks wall for the building using 1:8 cement – sand mortar. Including the parapet. |
M2 |
108 |
3.3 |
Terrace work Supply and construct one brick terrace with compacted gravel and 5 cm plain concrete surface use 1:3:6 admixture. And plaster it with 1:8 cement-sand mix. as per drawings |
ML |
33.4 |
Sub-total of masonry works |
4 |
Roof works: All works should be done as per drawings and specifications. Corrugated sheets price is inclusive of installation, cutting, nails and fittings. Steel price is inclusive of providing agreed steel sections, cutting, welding, nails, connections and painting (red oxide). |
4.1 |
Supply, prepare and fix roof form zinc coated sheets grade 35 with thermal insulator and Rec pipe (4*8)cm,1.2mm thick as purlins and 2’’ steel angle 3mm thickness as main truss make the spacing c/c 2 m for trusses. work should include front mirror of corrugated zinc sheets. as per specifications and drawings |
M2 |
98 |
Sub-total of roof works |
5 |
Finishing works: plastering: Work should be done as per standard technical specifications with 1:8 cement mortars 1.5 cm at least the thickness of the plastering. Price is inclusive of cleaning of walls and use of scaffolds and procurement of cement and sand as per specifications. Internal plaster is measured without deduction of openings which shall be deducted when measuring external plaster and blackboards. painting: Rates shall include but are not limited to the following: paint preparation of surface, rubbing down between each coat, stopping. Samples should be submitted to the Engineer for review and approval before work is commenced on site. |
5.1 |
Plastering: Supply and casting a plastering for internal and external walls with cement mortar 1:8 mix including parapet building as per specifications. |
M2 |
200 |
5.2 |
Painting: Provide and paint the walls internally & externally from lime and El mohandis Pomastic (3 coats) with smooth surface. |
M2 |
200 |
Sub-total of finishing |
6 |
Doors , windows& tables: All doors and widows should be made of 1mm steel box-section and 1mm steel plain sheets. Frame dimensions .are: 8x4 cm and 6x3 cm for door, 6x3 cm and 5x2.5 cm for windows. Price is inclusive of cutting, welding, finishing, locks and red oxide paints. |
6.1 |
Doors Supply and install steel Door 1.0m x 2.2m complete with 1 mm steel sheets and heavy rectangular pipes 8x4 cm, 6x3 cm for door frame with painting in blue color and fiber glass or expanded metal top panel as per drawings(D1).(specify the type of lock & joints) ……………......………………………. |
NO |
2 |
6.2 |
Windows Supply and install steel window 1.5m x 1.2 m, with 1 mm 3 x 6 cm rectangular pipe for the frame and expended mesh the expanded mesh should be fixed on 1 inch angle the and should include 50cm of fiberglass at upper part.as per drawings. |
No |
6 |
6.3 |
Supply & install 4 x 8 cm, 1mm thickness rectangular hollow section and x -pended mesh which include 10 opening for handling cash. The should be fixed in front side of the counters above the sill and should fixed on 1 ¼ inch angle 3 mm thickness to support the x- panda mesh. and fiberglass at upper part for 50 cm and opening at bottom. As shown in drawings. |
ML |
14 |
6.4 |
Supply and install 4 x 8 cm 1 mm thick rectangular hollow section grille above the lentil beam till the roof the grille should be made from x- pended mesh fixed of 1 ¼ inch angle 3 mm thickness .as pre-specifications & drawings. |
ML |
28 |
Sub-total of Steel work |
Grand total(SDG) |