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The Norwegian Refugee Council is an independent humanitarian organisation helping people forced to flee. We work in crises in more than 30 countries, where we help save lives and rebuild futures.
Sudan hosts 2.7 million IDPs, 810,000 South Sudanese refugees and approximately 120,000 Eritrean refugees. Following months of civilian protests, which culminated in the ousting of Omar al Bashir’s 30-year government, the country is experiencing significant political, social, and economic transition. The humanitarian situation remains dire and it is estimated that in 2021, 12.8 million people will require humanitarian assistance including 2.5 million IDPs and over 1 million refugees.
In 2020, the transitional government entered into the Juba Peace Agreement with some factions within the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF), Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), amongst other non-State armed groups. Despite the positive though ambitious provisions, two of the largest armed groups with significant territory in Darfur and the Two Areas are yet to sign the agreement. As a result, the political gains continue to remain fragile while the root causes of the conflict remain unaddressed. Long-standing grievances and competition for resources between communities continue without clear steps towards implementation of the agreement terms.
In the midst of all the political and economic uncertainty, IDPs continue to face a wide range of protection risks including difficulties accessing labour markets sustainable livelihoods and self-reliance. Secondary research identifies lack of documentation as one of the factors restricting access to labour markets and employment opportunities for IDP’s. These restrictions have resulted in IDP’s relying on casual labour in the informal market with irregular income and no legal protection. Lack of documentation can additionally result in movement restrictions preventing IDP’s from accessing better work and livelihood opportunities. There is need for further research and development of guidance to understand the relevant legislative framework, policies and practices governing access to employment and labour markets for displacement affected communities in the different States. Similarly despite provisions such as the Four Freedoms, refugees continue to face great difficulty accessing fair and secure employment and livelihood opportunities.
The lack of clarity, limited access to updated, reliable data/information and lack of in-depth analysis of polices and legal framework on Employment laws and procedures remains a significant challenge. This lack of clarity will significantly hamper efforts geared towards making informed, evidence-based interventions to address barriers limiting IDP’s and refugees from accessing livelihood and employment opportunities.
NRC is seeking a short-term consultancy, between August and November 2022, to lead a research that aims at understanding the relevant legislative framework, policies and practices governing access to employment and labour markets for displacement-affected communities (including refugees, returnees, asylum seekers, and IDPs) in Sudan, with a specific focus on displaced communities in Khartoum, Gedaref, White Nile, North and West Darfur. Findings from the assessment will enable ICLA teams to design programmatic response including advocacy initiatives aimed at addressing barriers identified that restrict access to employment and livelihood opportunities.
NRC’s Programme in Sudan
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent rights-based humanitarian organization working to protect the rights of displaced and vulnerable persons during crisis. NRC has established operations in Sudan in line with the humanitarian response plan with strategic programming priorities focusing on Education, Livelihoods and Food Security, Shelter, Camp coordination and camp management and Information, Counselling and Legal assistance (ICLA). The ICLA programme provides services to displacement affected populations to enable them to claim and exercise their rights and contribute towards attaining durable solutions through various thematic areas including; legal identity and civil documentation, employment laws and procedures and housing, land and property rights (HLP) and Access to essential services.
To date NRC - ICLA has set up operations in 4 States Gedaref, Khartoum, North and West Darfur states with potential expansion to South Kordofan and White Nile. This assessment seeks to contribute to promoting access to employment opportunities for displacement affected communities in Sudan by identifying the available information, laws, and procedures to inform the design of NRC’s intervention on employment laws and procedures in Sudan.
The overall objective of this research is to contribute towards increased opportunities to access employment and sustainable livelihoods for displacement affected communities by promoting evidence based understanding of the challenges/barriers limiting access to livelihoods and employment opportunities. This will include a comprehensive analysis of laws, policies and procedures regulating employment laws and procedures in Sudan which will inform programming and improve awareness on procedures and practices. This will in turn contribute to improved programming to support access to livelihood and employment opportunities for displacement affected communities in Sudan.
The assessment will focus on 3 research areas as below:
It is expected that the consultant will conduct the following:
The consultancy reports to the ICLA Specialist in-country.
The consultancy requires travel to Republic of Sudan for part of the assignment and includes field travels to the locations mentioned above.
English will be the primary language of communication, key discussions in any other language are expected to be summarised in English as needed. The outputs produced will be in English unless agreed otherwise.
Phase |
Duration |
Desk review, development and pre-test of research tools and training on data collection. (Submission on inception report at the end of this phase)
3 weeks |
Field data collection |
8 weeks |
Analysis and production of a draft report, feedback with NRC |
4 weeks |
Submission of final report |
2 weeks |
Dissemination phase |
2 days |
The Research Lead should have the following qualifications:
Other Qualities
This consultancy is open to both national and international consultants. There is a preference for a combination, where international expertise is combined with national/local knowledge. NRC and local partners on the ground can be engaged for data-collection and logistical support.
The consultant is expected to be available for in-country visit for the field data collection. NRC Sudan will be able to provide logistic support for movement within Sudan, including the booking of UNHAS/commercial flights, accommodation, the cost associated with in-country travel.
Duties of the Consultant;
Duties of NRC
NRC will provide an initial briefing and clarification on the scope of work for the consultant at the onset of the consultancy. NRC will review initial drafts of outputs and revert back with feedback to be incorporated by the Consultant in the final draft of deliverables.
As part of the in-country piece of work, NRC may support the consultant with arranging transportation, accommodation, visa invitation letter and processing, domestic flights, and administrative work behind workshops. However, costs for these, and other travel associated costs (i.e. visa, insurance) are borne by the consultant. The lump sum fee for the consultancy will therefore be the only financial cost borne by NRC.
Commencement: The Assignment shall commence in August 2022.
Period for the Assignment: The consultancy will last for a total of 15-17 weeks over the months of August to November 2022. Final drafts of the main deliverables should be submitted by November2022, incorporating necessary feedback in advance.
All interested are requested to submit their curriculum vitae along with other required documents listed below to the following email: sd.tenders@nrc.no
The e-mail subject of the application should be titled: “Employment laws and Procedures Assessment, Sudan”
Only shortlisted/successful candidates or companies will be contacted.
Offer should include:
Applicants will be evaluated against the following criteria: professional competencies, expertise and qualification for the tasks described above (50%), Previous experience (30%), Technical quality of submitted work samples (10%), Financial offer (10%).
Please provide information required in the templates below
Please provide information against each requirement.
Additional rows can be inserted for all questions as necessary. If there is insufficient space to complete your answer in the space provided, please include on a separate attachment with a reference to the question.
Company name: |
Any other trading names of company: |
Registered name of company (if different): |
Nature of primary business/trade: |
Primary contact name: |
Job title: |
Phone: |
Email: |
Registered Address:
Business licence number: |
Country of registration |
Registration date: |
Expiry date: |
Legal status of company (e.g. partnership, private limited company, etc.) |
Please fill in the below table with the full names and the year of birth of the company’s owner(s) and manager(s)*:
Full name |
Year of birth |
* Please note this information is necessary in order to conduct the vetting procedure referred to in clause 25 of the Invitation to Bid-General Terms and Conditions.
Please list the employees who would be involved with NRC in the event of contract award:
Employee name |
Job title |
Role on the project |
Phone |
1. |
2. |
3. |
… |
Beneficiary name: |
Beneficiary account no.: |
Beneficiary Bank: |
Bank branch: |
Bank address: |
Please provide details of at least 3 client references whom NRC may contact, preferably from NGOs and UN agencies, for similar related works:
Client/company name |
Contact person |
Phone |
Contract details ( location, size, value, etc) |
1. |
2. |
3. |
… |
Please provide details of any relevant equipment owned by the company that would potentially be used for carrying out of the Base Line Survey. (do not mention rented items):
Type of equipment/ vehicles |
Quantity |
1 |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
… |
Please confirm the validity of your bid below (in calendar days):
We, the Bidder, hereby certify that our tender is a genuine offer and intended to be competitive and we confirm we are eligible to participate in public procurement and meet the eligibility criteria specified in the Invitation to Bid. We confirm that the prices quoted are fixed and firm for the duration of the validity period and will not be subject to revision or variation.
The following documents are included in our Bid: (please indicate which documents are included by ticking the boxes below).
Documents |
included |
Section 4: Technical proposal & Pricing Proposal; completed, signed and stamped |
☐ |
Section 5: Bidding form; completed, signed and stamped |
☐ |
Section 6: Service Provision Schedule; completed, signed and stamped |
☐ |
Section 7: Company Profile and Previous Experience; completed, signed and stamped, including publicly available works or studies commissioned earlier. |
☐ |
Section 8: Supplier’s ethical standards declaration; completed, signed and stamped |
☐ |
Certificate of Registration/ Incorporation |
☐ |
Tax registration certificate |
☐ |
Financial Offer (Excel) detailing the budget (in USD or NGN) |
☐ |
Copies of Curriculum Vitae and Motivational Letter |
☐ |
Recommendation letters from previous organizations served OR 2 organizational references who can verify the quality of the consultant’s work and/or publicly available works or studies commissioned earlier |
☐ |
Sample of similar assessment performed |
☐ |
We understand that NRC is not bound to accept the lowest, or indeed any bid, received.
We agree that NRC may verify the information provided in this form itself or through a third party as it may deem necessary.
We confirm that NRC may in its consideration of our offer, and subsequently, rely on the statements made herein.
Name of Signatory: |
Tel N°: |
Title of Signatory: |
Name of Company: |
Signature & stamp:
Date of Signing: |
Consultancy Schedule:
Attach the Service schedule here:
Schedule to include:
Table for breakdown of service provision
Activity |
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
In addition, provide a list of the manpower involved in the activities on site with an estimate of the total man-hours completed by each of the skills. Format to follow the below simple format:
# |
Proposed Personnel/Manpower |
# of workers allocated to the Consultancy Service |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
… |
NOTE: The manpower list and service provision schedule shouldn’t be limited to this Form.
A comprehensive list has to be submitted adapting the Form as necessary.
The Bidder is requested to:
# |
Name of Project |
Total value of the Consultancy activity performed |
Duration of the contract |
Starting date |
Ending date |
Contracting Authority and Place |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
NOTE: The list shouldn’t be limited to this Form in regards to the number of works reported. A comprehensive list of the last 5 years’ experience has to be submitted adapting the Form to the necessary rows.
NRC may conduct reference checks for previous contracts completed